What People Are Saying About the Book:
I have just downloaded your book and have found it fascinating and well written. I am a qualified Doctor who is getting desperate. I have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS for over 2 years now, with short lived periods before that but it is my gut that seems to cause all the problems. I am constipated, bloated, have developed too many food intolerances, suffer with headaches and have that vague ‘disinterested in life’ feeling. I have had periods when i have been much better….I have colonics regularly that help and when I am on various herbs (capyillic acid, olive leaf and oil of oregano) i have improved dramatically. However, it is all too short lived and eventually my symptoms return.
Thank you. Regards
Caroline Bates, (G.P/Doctor), London, U.K.
This is a comprehensive and very well researched book. It helped me understand that my body is capable of both producing and ingesting enough toxic chemicals to cause my health problems. I am therefore profoundly grateful to the author for writing it. I am sure it will help many people.
Peter Wayne, Holland.
Hello and Thank You!!! I received your ebook and read it through. It is very dense with useful information and it is glaringly obvious that you’ve done a lot of work. I myself am on a mission to get these stupid amalgams out of my mouth after suffering from chronic A to Z ailments for the past sixteen years of my life. I’m thirty – that means half of my life experience has been subjugated to the effects of mercury and what was worse during all of this was that I never knew what was happening. But because of people like you now I do know and so again, I thank you.
Bo (Toronto, Ontario Canada)
Re: You have saved my life – almost literally!
Hi Ian,
Well it’s several months since I read the ebook, and my life has changed considerably.Your ebook was the catalyst for my recovery. Your input was fantastic, a total revelation to a guy stumbling about in ill-health getting worse and worse. Thank you! You really did give me light at the end of the tunnel.
Marcus, Malmesbury U.K.
Hi, Ian
I’m only a third way through this book of yours but I want to tell you that I am in awe of the information you have gathered and the way you are presenting it. Beyond amazing.
Hello Ian,
I would like to ask you how can you guarantee that if I purchase this ebook download, that I will receive it and that it isnt a scam. I have seen other books on the internet very similar sucess storys etc. I dont want to sound rude but I have been cheated before on the internet and I am very reluctant to hand over my credit card details. Is this address in Hertz you home/business address. Can I check out somewhere to know this isnt going to be a scam.Regards
Gillian (Australia)
By email I told Gillian that yes, this is my home business address printed below and that my bank card process demands a level of service and interenet security on this website that would preclude me from having an account with them if I was not business like. There is also a guarantee on this website that is fair.
Dear Ian
I would firstly like to say thank you, as a long term candida sufferer never have I seen such an insightfull and concise look into one of the most complicated human illnesses of our times. Your ebook had me glued from start to finish and I saw many of your tales of frustration and continual attempts to effect a cure to your condition in my own story aswell.
All My Best
Scott Russell (no address supplied)
Hello and Thank You!!! I received your ebook and read it through. It is very dense with useful information and it is glaringly obvious that you’ve done a lot of work. I myself am on a mission to get these stupid amalgams out of my mouth after suffering from chronic A to Z ailments for the past sixteen years of my life. I’m thirty – that means half of my life experience has been subjugated to the effects of mercury/Candida overgrowth and what was worse during all of this was that I never knew what was happening. But because of people like you now I do know and so again, I thank you.
Brian (South Africa)
…I have a Biology degree so it’s fascinating the amount of scientific information you have found out…. Any way thanks for writing the book it was really interesting and the best i have read on this subject so far.
Bridget Bradley, Bournemouth, England.
Hi Ian,
First, Happy New Year! I purchased your week just about a month again. I was able to read it over my Christmas break. I found that it contained a great deal of interesting information. I’m just not sure how useful it will be for me. Your condition sounds quite a bit worse than mine. I basically have a recurring intestional yeast infection that won’t go away. I’ve tried the basic yeast starvation diet in junction with the vitamin therapy and probiotics. From your book I found it difficult to determine what actually worked for you and how you implimented it. What you took and for how long. Thanks.
Roger, Australia.
I emailed Roger that yes I did do a lot of different protocols, all at once, from diet, to supplements and liver flushes to heavy metals chelation, lympahtic drainage massage and saunas. I had long since got over the hang up of wanting to know exactly what would resolve my issues, i.e. trying one thing at a time to see if it worked!
Your book is very interesting. You have done a lot of studying. I have felt terrible for 3 years…(deleted for privacy) Thank you for you E-book it really makes sense. Thank you and God Bless…
Vicki Mackay, Whitestone N.Y.
I rang you from Bermuda last week enquiring about your book and asking you if I could get my daughter in law- Anita Shepey – to ‘phone you. Since then I have downloaded and read your book which I found exceedingly easy to read and factually interesting ( I have a B.Med.Sci). Once again, thank you for the excellent book. Best wishes,
Dale Howe, Bermuda.
I wanted to take a few minutes to write you a testimonial regarding the information that was covered in your e-book. As you already know, I have been going around and around with all types of ailments that nobody can figure out however your book has shed a lot of light on what is going on here. Specifically, treating the symptoms and not the cause, will keep you going around and around in circles only to find yourself never getting well. Now that I have taken the appropriate tests to uncover the root cause, I am addressing this and finally getting to the root problem. Another huge recommendation on your part involved a cleanse for parasites, which has been a huge aid in getting through this difficult time. Thanks for all that you do everyday to help others that are sick and can’t be helped by the western medical world!
Brian H, Chicago, IL
Get Your copy of “Eliminating Toxic Overload Safely” – Here
Readers Successes:
I had suffered with CFS for over two years. I had visited every naturopath, physician, nutritionalist possible and spent well over £10 000, all to no avail.
I was at the point of giving up….it had affected my work and my relationship and i was now so low that I could no longer see a future for myself. I so longed for the days when I didn’t wake with that heavy, headache ill feeling…..hope was fading. In a last effort I started surfing the net and came across Ian’s ebook……it was like reading about myself, only this guy was better!! Living a normal life again!
I found the book very informative and knowledgeable am a medical practitioner and found it’s content well researched and accurate. Most importantly, it gave me hope….. I got in touch with Ian and saw his nutritionalist who put me on the detox and I’m feeling the best I have in years! Without Ian’s ebook, I dread to think where I might be today. I’m certainly very grateful
Caroline Bates, (G.P./Doctor) London U.K.
Hi Ian,
Thank you so much for your book, I have, so far, stabalized my rheumatoid arthritis symptoms so they don’t keep yo yoing and then reduced them to half what they were.
Your ebook is the most complete, most informative, and easiest to understand information that I have ever come across. The more I read, the more I realized that you knew way more than any book or doctor I had ever come across. Your ebook is helping my sister get rid of candida right now. She was convinced that she would have it the rest of her life but with your help she is making incredible progress and it has really changed her attitude. (their emphasis/bold text) Thank you for taking the time to put together such an incredible wealth of information!
-Valdemar Losse, Ann Arbor, MI
I can’t believe how fast my symptoms went. I have a really stressful job but I managed to stick to the program! There was so much helpful advice and information! Congratulations! I totally recommend the book to anyone who’s serious about getting rid of their I.B.S.
Courtney, Pasadena, Tx.
Hi Ian,
I bought your book about a year and a half ago because I was at the end of my tether with candida and the resulting fungal infections – with all the consequences (as you describe them). I’m sending you this e mail as feedback on my experience, because I’d like to validate your research, and thank you for your effort in putting your e book out there. All in all, the recovery took a year and a half of strict diet, ALL the supplements recommended (plus a few additional – Threelac being one), a rotational range of natural antifungals. Once I’d addressed an emotional issue, it took a couple of weeks for the symptoms to clear completely, and in the 3 months since, I’ve not had any symptoms at all.
I hope this comment is useful, and supports your research and dissemination of information of what is a very disabling condition. I don’t know how much was attributed to the physical and how much to the emotional, or what effected what, or what made the final difference…but that’s the story. Good luck going forward, and thanks.
Caroline, New Zealand.
Hi Ian
I have down loaded your book back in January and have been using the supplements for six weeks now. I have to say that this has given me the best results i have ever had. I had been suffering with chronic allergiesfor 15 years now and nothing had shifted it. A G.P. thought it was Candida and gave me nystatin tablets and after three weeks all my symptons disappeared. I felt great. The best I had ever felt in my life. However I stopped taking them when the ran out and hey presto the damm thing came back. Only this time twice as bad.
I have been looking for an answer ever since. Your book was really worth the money. I have learnt such a lot about this disease from your notes and everything seems to make sense now. I have found a good candida forum which is following a similar line but they do not go into such detail or explain the reasons why. Thanks for putting your experience into a book and sharing it with us. There are so many people trying to make money out of this misery and i was truly grateful that your book was both reasonably priced and so informative…..and made sense. God bless.
Andy Wright Horsham West Sussex, U.K.
Thank you very much for sharing your findings, you must have improved the lives of hundreds of people. Thanks also for your time. Like you I was searching for answers and had seen many doctors and specialists. I took high doses of anti-histamines that just made me feel worse. This really is incredible how much difference this has made – I think I was in danger of becoming a food nut!! Now I can eat what I like!
Thank you for your help I think you’re book is excellent.
Alice Cunningham, Loughborough, U.K.
Hi Ian,
Brilliant, thanks for the info. Your Wright (sic) about the ups and downs There is a smile on my face after such a long, long time Had a quick word with you before
Been on the Detox for 2 months now (No problems, no adverse side effects) Improvement is quite noticeable,
Hi Ian.
I bought your ebook and have since been to see a nutritionist and been on the detox program. I have got much better, and a lot of my pain has gone, but I am still struggling to go that last mile, particularly with getting my energy back and getting rid of the spaced-out feelings and brain fog… You have certainly really helped me. Many thanks,
Paul Mellet Australia.
I’ve had tiredness, headaches dizzyness and many food intolerances for more than 2 years. I have also tried vitamins and herbs – which only helped a little but having been on this program for two months I’m already noticing the difference! The streaming eyes and nose, and the stomach aches are considerably better and I’m writing to say all your useful and insightful advice and recommendations is very greatly appreciated.
Ewa Ghosh, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh.
Hi Ian,
I have down loaded your book back in January and have been using supplements for six weeks now. I have to say that this has given me the best results i have ever had. I had been suffering for 15 years now and nothing had shifted it. A G.P. thought it was Candida and gave me nystatin tablets and after three weeks all my symptons disappeared. I felt great. The best I had ever felt in my life. However I stopped taking them when the ran out and hey presto the damm thing came back. Only this time twice as bad. I started the detox programme in November and I followed the diet in the detox book and took the vitamins, minerals & supplements. After 2-3 weeks I had alot more energy more than I have had for years. My other symptoms also began to ease ie joint pains, back pain, burning sensation in my feet etc. I managed to carry out….
Thank You.
Anthony Farmer (address not submitted).
I have another question. I have started with the supplements, (a couple I haven’t managed to find yet) and half my amalgam fillings are now gone (biological dentist)………. It is now 6 weeks into the detox diet and the candida symptoms are largely gone. Thanks for the perspective.
Celia Addlesbrook, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Hi Ian,
Thank you for the Ebook. thank you for this information. I used your system about five years ago and was totally cured. The last three months the symtoms have started reoccuring and hence I contacted you. This time I will not lose the information.
Regards and keep well.
Anthony Hardley
Sir I’ve suffered the last three and a half years with allergies and chemical intolerance, so you can imagine my surprise when having read your book and been prompted to take a more thorough series of tests I found that I tested positive to heavy metals. I found it fascinating the link you drew between this my digestion and the allergic reactions I experienced. Thank you for all your hard work, I have finally got the answers I needed and am on the detox.
Kindest Regards,
Sam Hallard, Devon, England.
Hello Ian,
I’m about 5 weeks into the detox programme – wow! I’ve made so much progress! When I walk I have a spring in my step – I can’t remember the last time I felt like this. And I feel so alert all day long. It’s really great.
Many thanks for this opportunity,
John Feinstein (address not submitted).
Hi Ian,
I have been on the detox diet for 6 weeks now and a metal cleanse program for nearly nine months. I still have a metallic taste in my mouth. I am now taking steps to kill Candida, for several weeks now, and my head is really spinning and my knees are shaking with weakness. How long did you stay on the metal cleanse program and the detox diet. Obviously, long enough for the symptoms to disappear, but how long? was it months? I really am sicker than ever now. Your last communication was an encouragement to me.
(I replied telling him that I had to go at my own bodies pace when I was on the detox not anybody elses.)
Thanks for the reply. I did 2 coffee enemas 2 days ago and this time i really noticed feeling better. Up until then, coffee enemas didn’t do much…maybe a slight lift and recession from spaciness for a few hours. Maybe things are starting to change. Thanks for taking the time to write.
William B. CA
Just to thank you/ update. After a horrible February and suffering with allergies/ migraines, etc. since 1989, I downloaded your e-book. Although I modified your suggestions to fit my pocket book, etc, I am detoxing/ colon cleansing and added vitamins/minerals/ herbs/amino acids/evening primrose, etc. I think colon cleansing is the best kept secret in the world. Our pollen count is the highest in years and I am free of pains/ symptoms.
Thank you so much,
Debi Gregg (no address supplied)
I have been looking for an answer ever since. Your book was really worth the money. I have learnt such a lot about this disease from your notes and everything seems to make sense now. I have found a good candida forum which is following a similar line but they do not go into such detail or explain the reasons why. Thanks for putting your experience into a book and sharing it with us. There are so many people trying to make money out of this misery and i was truly grateful that your book was both reasonably priced and so informative…..and made sense. God bless
Andy Wright Horsham West Sussex, U.K.
Hello Ian.
Thank you for your book !!
I purchased a copy from you about 5 or 6 months ago and have found it very helpful. It explained most of my symptoms, which also appear to be from heavy metal toxicity, primarily mercury, even though I had all my amalgum fillings out 14 years ago ! Anyway, by using the info in the book, as well as the Klinghardt Foundation detox, in conjunction with my doctor (who is into natural therapies) and a minerals expert who does great hair analysis and provides a course of supplements, I have made great gains. Had a difficult time recently from overdoing the cilantro, but overall things are moving in the right direction. I also use a sunlight solo far- infra-red sauna, which has helped a lot too.
Thanks again.
John Kelly, Melbourne, Australia
Before getting your book I’d been suffering with fatigue for 6 years and had difficulty keeping regular jobs, my family told me about this treatment but I was sceptical. Anyway I managed to keep to the program and still can’t believe how quickly my symptoms started getting better apart from one healing crisis which I heard can happen, I am so much better than I was 6 months ago.
Thank you so much, I’m so grateful.
Monique, Valdosta, GA.
Dear Ian,
Sorry to bother you. I seem to be trudging along and still feel quite bad after 3 months I have made some improvements i.e i’m not an insomniac and have no more panic attacks but i still have so many other draining symptoms. Do people just take different amonts of time to go through this process? Thanks, best wishes and i hope you are well.
Fiona B. U.K.
I emailed Fiona that it took me 2 years to eliminate the heavy metal lead to the point where if hardly showed on tests, but I felt a great deal of difference within the first few months, (energy/concentration) at other times I plateaued for a while or felt worse – always a sign that I was going to fast with my heavy metals detox. Everybody is different, some people I have heard of have found it initially very hard to detox. My bodies capacity to detox was dependant upon getting the nutritional support for my liver and kidneys and then detoxing the metals.
After being told that I was suffering from exhaustion, I was then diagnosed as having candida. Nothing helped, over the last few months I tried so many different drugs, herbs, treatments etc, all promising me that they would sort my health out. Thanks to your book I followed the detox and my candida’s gone and so has the fatigue!
Eternally grateful.
Gill, Stowe on the Wold, Gloucs, England.
I’d struggled with lethargy, migraines and stomach upsets. I tried vitamin therapy and herbs but never got far. I’d’ve never’ve guessed in a million years that my dental fillings were part of the problem and getting them removed would only be the start of it! Thank you. All your practical and helpful info and advice, has been worth far more than what I paid for it.
Melissa Marshall, Ann Arbor MI.
Hi Ian,
im five months into de-tox i am noticing some changes,the nutritionist is being excellent,so supportive although ive had a rough ride so far…
kevin N. UK.
I’m writing to tell you that my stomach aches and bloating have disappeared over the last few months by following the information you wrote in your book, my limbs feel lighter and I now have great energy again. It took a while before I realized that even my allergies, have cleared up. I’m so appreciative for all the…
Clinton Whyte, Brandon, MO.
Greetings Ian!
Happy Easter. I am writing as a follow-up to our previous letters to tell how you how I am progressing in becoming healed. Your book has been of immense help. Thank you. Since we last communicated, I have started an energy therapy with a doctor who found the chemicals in me, which was not too surprising since I had MCS symptoms. He also found my thyroid was not working and that I have an ulcer. Since then my chemical sens. symptoms have lessened. I started treatment just over 3 months ago. The symptoms are still there, but to a lesser degree. I have also been taking Chlorella during this time…about (deleted) gms/day. I feel like now that I have some money I need to do more and was thinking about doing a liver flush.
Chris C. England.
After being told that I was suffering from candida for 18 months, I have just been diagnosed as having bacterial overgrowth. Antibiotics haven’t helped. Over the last few months I have tried so many different drugs, herbs, treatments etc, all promising me that I would get my life back. Thanks to your book I’m following the methods and my candida is dramatically improving, thank you so much
Jill, Leeds England.
I purchased your eBook 12 months ago. Since then I have been trying to eliminate my candida by every means listed in your guide. After reading it I felt that I was basically wasting my time trying anything until I removed all of my amalgam fillings. I have tried countless different methods to eliminate it. I have followed an exceptionally disciplined routine for months at a time. To date, I have only succeeded in suppressing the infection, only to have it return in a matter of days if I reintroduce foods with the slightest sugar content. Whilst I think your eBook is very good, I found it challenging to follow your routine. I would really like some guidance in relation to the establishment of a good routine.
Chris S., Bathurst, NSW Australia.
In reply by email I explained how hard the diet was to follow for the 3-4 months that I did it strictly. Fortunately there is a delicious recipe ebook now available to make it a lot easier – please see link inside my ebook. Any recurrence I had was a sign that deeper metals detoxing was still needed.
Hi Ian, how are you?
My name is Peter, I emailed you about 8 months ago, I ordered from you the book about allergies and detoxification. Well , Ian I wanna say , I’m very happy with everything, after i emailed you I ordered the supplements and everything went well. I started the treatment on may 20, right now even Im not completely cured, im doing very well, very big improvement compare with the situation I was when I first started the medication, like 80 % improvement.
Peter S., New York.
I’ve suffered the last three and a half years with allergies and chemical intolerance, so you can imagine my surprise when having read your book and been prompted to take a more thorough series of tests I found that I tested positive to heavy metals. I found it fascinating the link you drew between this my digestion and the allergic reactions I experienced. Thank you for all your hard work, I have finally got the answers I needed and am on the detox.
Kindest Regards,
Sam Hallard, Devon, England.
My husbands suffered for years from chronic fatigue, sweats and muscle aches, so I wanted to let you know how pleased I am we got your book, and to tell you hes so much better. I feel hes over the worst of it now so just wanted to write – bless you.
V. M., Christchurch, New Zealand.
I had no clue why I could never get on top of my candida, but it makes sense now. It would never of occured to me that my fillings where part of the problem! My inflammation has gone down and the aches in my joints has got better. I really appreciate your help.
Sandy, Newport Beach, California.
My husband had suffered for years with being tired and lethargic. I can’t begin to tell you how much better he feels and how grateful I am to you for your help. He’s lost weight too which is nice.
God bless you.
Mrs Mc Mahon, Co Dublin
I’d just like to say how happy I am – what a difference, I haven’t felt this good in years. Thank you! It took more than three months but it’s a relief not having to worry about what to eat anymore 🙂
Chrissy M., Brisbane, Australia.
As the creator of this web site I wanted to address concerns like the email above from Kevin. I struggled with CFS for 15 years after first becoming ill on holiday abroad. Nothing worked, I went for blood tests, parasite tests, allergy screens, colonoscopies, – nothing showed up. I tried everything, diets, candida cures, chinese herbs, vitamins, homeopathy, acupuncture. Only when I found out the root causes of what was causing all my problems and tackled them did my health recover.
Ian Solley, Founder This Cure Works, Hertfordshire, England.
“Eliminating Toxic Overload Safely” eBook – Chapter Contents
The eBook has 92 pages:
Parts 1 & 2 of the eBook discuss how we are exposed to toxins without even realising it and the effects they have upon our bodies. Part 3 looks at what medical tests to take, and Parts 4 and 5 look at how the detox works on the body and what you’ll need to take to do one.
Covering; A Comprehensive list of Sources of Chemical and Heavy Metal Toxicity, including a look at problem foods and the symptoms of Chemical and Heavy Metals toxicity. Chemicals, Heavy Metals, Pesticides and Additives in Food and Drink; Bio-Accumulation of Chemicals in Beauty Products and your Home (includes Water Pipes, Flame Retardants, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Bedding, Solvents and Paints).
6 Environmental Soup
8 Sources of Metals and Chemicals
8 Food and Drink
12 Beauty Products
14 The Home
15 Table of Sources of Metal and Chemical Toxins
18 Symptoms of Metal and Chemical Toxicity
Covering; The Health Conditions Related to Heavy metals and Chemical Toxicity. Chronic Fatigue; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Parasites & Bacteria; Allergies; Candida Albicans; the relationship between them and why you must tackle the root causes of these conditions to eliminate them.
19 Effects of Chemicals and Metals
20 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
22 Irritable Bowel Syndrome
26 Candida Albicans
29 Bacteria and Parasites
31 Allergies
35 Depression
44 Lipomas
Covering; Mercury Sensitivity Tests. Testing for Chemical Sensitivity.
Heavy Metal Allergy Testing – by a Company with the only scientifically proven test of it’s kind. Blood, Urine Challenge. ELISA Tests and also Hair Mineral Tests and other analysis and with links to web sites.
45 The Medical Industry
46 Complementary Therapies
46 Vitamin Therapies
46 Chinese Herbs
47 Parasite Cleanses
47 The Truth behind those Medical Tests
51 Testing for Heavy Metals
Covering; The Liver and Gall-Bladder, The Kidneys and Adrenal Glands, The Immune System, Anti-oxidants and Nutrition.
55 The Immune System
56 Nutrition
60 The Kidneys
61 The Adrenal Glands
63 The Liver
67 The Gall-bladder
68 The Bowel
68 The Skin, Muscle and Bone
Covering; Cellular Cleansing and Repair and how this addressed the Root Causes of my Health Problems. Diet, Supplement Information, Blood Sugar Swings and Insulin levels, Liver and Gall-Bladder Cleanses, The Glycemic Index of Foods and Lymphatic Drainage.
71 The Detox Protocol
72 The Detox Diet: No More Blood Sugar Swings
75 Supplements
80 What to do NOW
80 Bowel, Liver and Gall-bladder Flushes
82 Parasite Cleanse Maintenance
82 Far Infrared Saunas
82 Deep (Swedish) Massage
82 Lymphatic Drainage Exercise
83 Tips for a Successful Detox
83 Exercise
83 Electromagnetic Pollution
The eBook also covers research on such issues as: studies on flame retardants from fabrics being found in womens’ breast milk and how mercury has been shown to transfer from the womb to the foetus and that concentrations in the brain, gut and liver of the feotus have been found to be 4x’s the concentrations found in the mother.
Improvements in the nutritional base along with the removal of toxic heavy metals and chemicals and the pathogen overload associated with them (e.g. yeasts, parasites, bad bacteria and viruses) is a well established route suggested by many healthcare professionals. What isn’t taken into consideration is just how difficult the process actually is – I know because after 5 years of following the advice of a Harley Street doctor in London, my heavy metals levels didn’t come down.
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The information is educational and NOT intended to substitute the advice provided by your own healthcare professional. If you have a health concern please consult with a qualified medical expert.
Metals Detox Ltd. U.K. Company Nos: 7610485 and Ian Solley are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this information.
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